Friday Funny: Sporting Maths Problem

David Meego - Click for blog homepageAs usual, there is another mathematics and reasoning problem doing the rounds on the Book of Face. It showed up on my feed because some of my friends had responded on it.

Funnily enough a number of them commented with the incorrect answer. Looking at the other comments, there is a massive range of incorrect answers.

So here is the Sporting Maths Problem, can you solve it?

Please answer on the poll and don’t post answers in the comments (at least not straight away).

Note: Don’t forget to look carefully at the “equations” and don’t forget to use Order of Operations.

Below is a poll for you to answer with a selection of answers, but only one correct answer:

Enjoy your Friday the 13th. 🙂


This article was originally posted on

6 thoughts on “Friday Funny: Sporting Maths Problem

  1. So here is the answer:

    Shoes = s
    Referee = r
    Whistle = w

    2s + 2s + 2s = 30, 6s = 30, s = 5
    2s + r + r = 20, 10 + 2r = 20, 2r = 10, r = 5
    r + 2w = 2w = 13, 5 + 4w = 13, 4w = 8, w = 2

    s + r * w = 5 + 5 * 2 = 5 + 5 * 2 = 5 + 10 = 15

    But the Referee is missing his whistle in the last equation, so

    s + (r-w) * w = 5 + (5-2) * 2 = 5 + 3 * 2 = 5 + 6 = 11


    • I have to disagree 🙂 The missing whistle is a fraction of the size of the whistles valued at 2 each…too small of a fraction to be significant in the final answer, which is rounded to a whole number.
      (I missed one other thing and got it wrong anyway, but still.) You can override me, David, but I’m still right!


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