Checklist for creating a new Dexterity Window

David Meego - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article I originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

Today, we go back to basics. It is always good to make sure that we have the foundations handled properly.  When I teach the Dexterity, I always go through the standard checklist below for creating (or modifying) Dexterity windows.

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Running dag.exe on 9.0 Dynamics forms dictionary fails with runtime error at 86% complete

trick Roth - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article trick Roth originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

A few months ago, a partner was attempting to create an Application.Dynamics.ModifiedForms.dll using the Dictionary Application Generator (dag.exe) against his 9.0 SP4 Dynamics forms dictionary.

This failed for him.  Trying to determine if it was a “forms dictionary issue” or not, he renamed his Application.Dynamics.dll as a test and attempted to generate a new one using Dag.exe.  This also failed in the same manner but at a different spot.

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Windows 7, bitmap fonts and Microsoft Dynamics GP

David Meego - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article I originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

I have a story to tell….. and it even has a happy ending.

During the last week of August 2009, I was over in Sydney at the Microsoft Office in North Ryde for meetings and to catch up with my Australian based colleagues on the Asia Pacific support team for Microsoft Dynamics GP.  While there I downloaded the DVD images for Windows 7;  both the internal Microsoft IT Windows 7 Enterprise build and the Windows 7 Ultimate RTM build.

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Accessing a Table Buffer when it is not passed as a parameter

David Meego - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article I originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

This post is a follow up to the previous posts on the Three Trigger Technique. If you have not read the posts explaining this technique, please use the links below:

The idea of the three trigger technique is to use a trigger on an unrelated function or procedure call to get the timing you require for your code.  The 1st and 2nd triggers are used to ensure that the 3rd trigger is only used when it is called from your desired parent script.

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Microsoft Dynamics GP Testing 101 Session

Alice Newsam - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Alice Newsam originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

After spending a great week with attendees at the Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Conference 2009 in Fargo, I decided to try my hand at contributing to the Developing for Dynamics GP blog.  I am a Test Engineer on the GP team focusing on Dexterity and as such I had the pleasure to present a Dynamics GP Testing 101 session at the Conference with my teammate Grant Swenson.   So today I wanted to highlight the key takeaways from the session as well as provide links to a couple of great reference materials that are available today.

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Duplicate key error on a range copy statement

Patrick Roth - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Patrick Roth originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

An ISV ran across an interesting problem a few days ago in his Dexterity/Dynamics 9.0 solution.

The goal of a particular procedure was to copy records from one table into a nearly identical duplicate temporary table.  The duplicate table contained all of the original table fields plus a few new ones.  The temp table was created by using the Duplicate feature in Dexterity so the keys of the new table were identical to the original table.

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Automating or Customizing the Report Destination Window

David Meego - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article I originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

I have seen this issue come up a number of times.  Trying to automate processes which involve reports and wanting to automate the Report Destination window.  Sometimes you can add the Report Destination to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and sometimes the system will not add the window to VBA.  This post will explain the reason for this “weird” behavior.

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