#MSDynGP Consultants: Are you a Microsoft Partner?

David Meego - Click for blog homepageAn important part of the amazing Microsoft Dynamics GP community is the independent consultant.

Independent consultants don’t usually sell the Microsoft software or licenses, but they provide deep knowledge about how to setup and use the accounting/ERP software. They often work in conjunction with the customer’s partner of record (POR) to provide a additional level of support.

But many of them are not signed up as a Microsoft partner and don’t have their access to the PartnerSource Business Center or their own GP Registration keys.

So this article is a public service announcement targeted at Independent Consultants who are not yet signed up as Microsoft partners.

It is time to get signed up, it’s free and simple to do.


Step 1: Join the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN)

Go to https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us and click the Become a Partner link and follow the instructions.

Once you are signed up as a partner and have an MPN ID, you can proceed to the next step.


Step 2: Sign up as a Microsoft Dynamics Partner

Go to the link below and download the Microsoft Dynamics Partner Registration Agreement (PRA) form (standard version)*. Once the form is completed, send it to the email or postal address for your region listed in the Exhibit A section at the end of the document.

* Download the ISV version if you are an ISV wanting to sign up as a Microsoft Dynamics Partner.


An added bonus of signing up is that once you have a PartnerSource Microsoft Account Number and Site Name, and your own GP Registration keys…. you can now sign up with Winthrop Development Consultants as a partner and receive NFR (Not for Resale) keys for our products and a 15% margin on any sales/renewals you make.

Hope this information is useful.


This article was originally posted on http://www.winthropdc.com/blog.

4 thoughts on “#MSDynGP Consultants: Are you a Microsoft Partner?

  1. David, are you still there?  Do you know if they still have partner registration agreements for RMS?  When I downloaded the latest PRA I did not see a box I could check for RMS.


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