Handling Australian GST Requirements for Payables Transactions in eConnect

David Meego - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article I originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

As part of the handling of Australian Good and Services Tax (GST), Microsoft Dynamics GP needs to be able to track if a Tax Invoice has been received for payables transactions.

This is important as a company must have a Tax Invoice for a purchase before they are allowed to claim the Input Tax Credit for that purchase. The Input Tax Credits are balanced against the tax they have collected from sales and only the balance is due to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

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Differences with SQL Transaction Rollback behaviour for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010

David Meego - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article I originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

A recent case has highlighted some subtle differences in behaviour with eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and the way it handles SQL transaction commit and rollback.

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Choosing between eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP and Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Chris Roehrich - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Chris Roehrich originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

Should I write this integration using eConnect or Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP?   This is often a question we receive at conferences like Convergence or in support cases from both Customers and Partners.  Like most questions in our field, there really is no concrete answer to this one.  The answer is usually the dreaded “Well, it depends on…”.   What I hope to do here with this post is point out some of the differences of the two integration platforms, give you my opinion on what I like about them, and then you can decide how you would leverage them in your own projects.

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Leveraging the changes in eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010

Chris Roehrich - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Chris Roehrich originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

In this post I will talk about the changes made to the API for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and how developers can take advantage of these changes to affect their custom application.   If you have been using eConnect 2010 you have already realized that there is a new Windows service running called the eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Integration Service.   This is a change from the version 9 and 10 days where there was a COM+ application for eConnect that appeared under Component Services.  Like the eConnect COM+ application, the eConnect 2010 service runs under a Windows user that requires DYNGRP role access in the DYNAMICS and company databases.  I will breakdown some of the other changes in the following sections.

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Quick Tip: Using eConnect to update Customer or Vendor Addresses with a blank Address Line 3

David Meego - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article I originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

I had a case this week that was asking a fairly commonly asked question about integrating address information using eConnect. The scenario is that we want to update a customer or vendor address and the previous address had three lines in the address and the new address only has two lines. When the update is processed, Address Lines 1 and 2 have been updated, but Address Line 3 has the old data and has not been cleared.

So how can I update Address Line 3 with blank data?

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Creating a Custom Serialization Assembly for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010

Chris Roehrich - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Chris Roehrich originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

The eConnect Programmer’s guide discusses creating a custom XML node and stored procedure so developers can process new types of data.   For example, a custom or 3rd party table could be updated when integrating a master record like a Customer or a transaction like a Sales Invoice using eConnect.   The strategy that I will discuss below is for developers out there that would like to go one step further by referencing their own custom assembly.  This assembly can be referenced in their Visual Studio project which would allow them to serialize the eConnect XML document with the custom node.

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Retrieve more than 1000 Records using Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010

Chris Roehrich - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Chris Roehrich originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

A question we have received in the past in Developer Support is how to retrieve more than 1000 records using Web Services.   The maximum number of records a GetList method will return is 1000 records.  This is by design as this value is coded into the call to eConnect and it cannot be changed with a configuration file.

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Serializing CDATA tags in eConnect XML Documents

Chris Roehrich - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Chris Roehrich originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

I had a recent support incident where the customer was trying to update a field to a blank value using the eConnect serialization assembly and the value was not being removed.  Specifically, they were attempting to remove the existing value in the ADDRESS2 column of the RM00101 table by setting the string value to a blank value.  The reason why this was happening was really by design with the eConnect stored procedures.   If you do not pass a value, eConnect will use the setup in Dynamics GP to default the value if one exists.   This works great because then as a developer you do not have to worry about passing everything in with the XML document.   That would be painful to have to pass everything in the XML document for being fearful of having data being removed.

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Fixed Asset Integration error: “String was not recognized as a valid DateTime”

Dawn Langlie - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Dawn Langlie originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

I recently had a support case, running a Fixed Asset integration with Integration Manager, where we received the following error:

DOC 1 ERROR: System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

at System.DateTimeParse.Parse(String s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles)
at System.DateTime.Parse(String s, IFormatProvider provider)
at System.Convert.ToDateTime(String value, IFormatProvider provider)
at System.String.System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider)
at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.CoerceValue(Object value, MetaType destinationType)

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Filtering eConnect Requester data

Emily Halvorson - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Emily Halvorson originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

I wanted to tell you about a recent case I had where the Partner was trying to restrict the Microsoft Dynamics GP data they had selected with the eConnect Requester Setup Tool.

They were first importing some of their Sales Orders from an external system into GP with eConnect.  Then when they fulfilled and shipped the Order within GP, they used eConnect Outgoing Queue to make the updates available to the external system.  Their use of GP also includes manually entered Sales Orders and they did not want the updates to the manually entered Orders to be queued.

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Where are Dynamics GP’s Business Rules Defined and Enforced?

David Meego - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article I originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

In a recent forum post, the question of where the business logic for Dynamics GP resides was raised.  This is an excellent question which, sadly, does not have a simple answer.

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Web Services Configuration Settings for Integrating Large Transactions

Chris Roehrich - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Chris Roehrich originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

It is definitely possible to use Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP to create large transactions. By large transactions I am referring to examples of where a sales invoice would have several thousands of lines on it.  That’s right, some companies are integrating transactions this large using our Web Services for Dynamics GP!

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eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP does not roll back transactions when an error occurs during the import

David Clauson - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article David Clauson originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.


Data being integrated with eConnect is leaving records in Microsoft Dynamics GP tables when there is an error being returned. eConnect should be rolling back the data out of Microsoft Dynamics GP tables.

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Passing data from a Business Portal Result Viewer Web Part to Dynamics GP Web Services

Chris Roehrich - Click for blog homepageThis is a reposting of an article Chris Roehrich originally wrote on my Developing for Dynamics GP blog.

This post will provide some steps on using the MBF Result Viewer API to pass data to the Dynamics GP Web Services.    The specific example shows how you can remove a line item from a Sales Order using the UpdateSalesOrder method.   The sales order number, line sequence number, and item number can be pulled off the Rich List Result Viewer web part and passed to the web services.

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