Friday Funny: Another flower themed algebra maths puzzle

David Meego - Click for blog homepageThis is not “Deja vu”, I did post a very similar puzzle last week, but this one is different and the answers are different. Good Luck

This one is another flower themed algebra problem that should be fairly easy to solve as long as you read it extremely carefully.

The puzzle image provides the answers to the first three questions, which should provide the information you need solve the fourth question.


Below is a poll for you to record your answer:

Please comment on how you went, but don’t give away the answer.


11-Nov-2016: Solution here: Solutions: Flower themed algebra maths puzzles.

This article was originally posted on

11 thoughts on “Friday Funny: Another flower themed algebra maths puzzle

  1. When you need to count the petals on a flower and watch for BEDMAS order, it’s time to call it a day! I’m either the only one correct or one of many who are incorrect! 🙂


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