#GPPT What’s New: Company based color schemes enhancements

David Meego - Click for blog homepageOne of the most popular features of the now discontinued Support Debugging Tool was the Company based Color Schemes. This feature allowed administrators to specify a different color scheme for each Microsoft Dynamics GP company.

GP Power Tools takes this functionality and enhances it to make it more powerful and easier to use.

To enable the Company based Color Schemes, use the option on the second, Company, tab of the Administrator Settings window.

Administrator Settings 2

Once activated you can either select from the list of built-in themes or you can just use the Select buttons to manually choose the colors for the selected company.

GP Power Tools increases the number of built-in themes from 16 to 52, giving you more quick options for selecting a color scheme.

You can also select a theme and then adjust the colors as desired, just click Select to open the color dialog. Click on Define Custom Colours for a full spectrum of colors.

Note: Please excuse the correct spelling of “Colour” in this screenshot. 🙂

New to GP Power Tools is the ability to select the company to set up colors for.

Previously, you would have to switch to each company and open the Administrator Settings windows to select the color scheme for the current company. Now you can change the company from the current company using the lookup button to open the Company Colors Lookup window.

Administrator Settings Lookup

Note: The lookup can display the colors for each company, however you need to scroll through the list to make them appear. A quirk in Dexterity meant the colors wouldn’t display initially.

Another feature new to GP Power Tools is the option to exempt specific users from the company based color schemes.

Administrator Settings Users

These three new features (more themes, company selection and user selection) were requested by existing users via forums and the feedback survey and were added to the final release after the public beta code was released.



This article was originally posted on http://www.winthropdc.com/blog.