Developing for Dynamics GP blog saved

David Meego - Click for blog homepageBack on the 23rd February I posted that I was in the process of Saving the Developing for Dynamics GP blog, my blog from my Microsoft days.

It has taken about four weeks of work, but I am very pleased to be able to announce that the work is complete and the relevant content from the Developing for Dynamics GP blog is now available from this blog.

This work was necessary due to the imminent deprecation of the MSDN blog platform. Given the Developing for Dynamics GP blog was still one of the highest ranked GP blogs in the community (by visits), even though no new content had been posted since late 2014, I felt it was worth saving.

I had been communicating with people inside Microsoft to see if the blog could be saved, but the best they could do was to transfer the text only content to a community blog. This would lose all the pictures, screenshots and attachments.

While a text only archive might be handy, the value of the content would be diminished without the images and attachments. I decided to save the still relevant posts, moving them to my current blog and transfering the images and attachments manually, so they were saved on my blog and not hosted in a location that will be shut down.

I reviewed the 1130 articles on the blog and decided to only transfer articles that were still relevant. So articles about old (or discontinued) Microsoft products, old Microsoft Dynamics GP versions, old conferences, current affairs, etc. have not been transferred.

This left 590 articles which have been brought across along with their images and attachments. They have been manually updated to show that they are a repost of the original article and all the links to other Developing for Dynamics GP articles have been updated accordingly. External Links have been checked and fixed when necessary and possible.

All the articles have been marked with the Developing For Dynamics GP category and so are available using the link below:

I also reviewed the “Links” pages which contained links to many of the Knowledge Base articles I wrote or found useful while I worked at Microsoft and they are available from:

Over time the search engines will find the reposted articles and the old links will go away, but if you find an old link, you can change it to point to the reposted article (if it exists) by changing


I apologize if you received notifications by email or on social media about the reposted articles, but I could not prevent all of the notifications getting sent.

Good news is that the work is now complete.


This article was originally posted on

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