#MSDynGP Microsoft Dynamics GP – October 2019 release coming soon

David Meego - Click for blog homepageGuess what? … there will be no Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R3, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2019 or Microsoft Dynamics GP 2020. Why? Because in early October 2019, we will have Microsoft Dynamics GP instead.

That’s correct, the year will no longer part of the version name for Dynamics GP. In fact version 18 will be the last version of Dynamics GP (in the same way that Windows 10 is the last version of Windows).

This is because Microsoft Dynamics GP is moving to the Modern Lifecycle model like most of Microsoft’s other products. Microsoft Dynamics GP will continue to get feature updates at the same frequency as before (major features around October each year and tax updates when needed), but there won’t be any changes in the major version number. All versions of GP from now on will have the major version of 18.  However, the minor version number will be updated with each major feature release and the build number updated each time there is an update.

So if look at the About Microsoft Dynamics GP window for the version information:

  • Version 18.00.0400 is Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018
  • Version 18.00.0628 is Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2
  • Version 18.XX.YYYY* is Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modern Lifecycle)
  • Verison 18.02.1007** is Microsoft Dynamics GP (October 2019)


* Where XX is minor version (being non zero and starting with 2) and YYYY is the build number.
** The build 1007 might be greater for the actual release.

I expect that we will start using the YYMM naming like Windows does, so this will be the Dynamics GP 1910 release in the same way I am running Windows 1903.

Below is a summary of the new features coming in the October 2019 release:

For more information see the following articles on the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog:

This is great to see that Microsoft Dynamics GP is keeping in step with Microsoft and its other products by moving to the modern lifecycle. This means that there is no end date for support for the product and it will continue to be developed.

Remember ….

Keep using and selling Microsoft Dynamics GP and it will keep being developed and supported by Microsoft.



PS: If you see any references to GP 2018 R3, ignore them. That was the codename during development before the decision to drop the year and move to the modern lifecycle was finalised.

This article was originally posted on http://www.winthropdc.com/blog.

6 thoughts on “#MSDynGP Microsoft Dynamics GP – October 2019 release coming soon

  1. So here is a question.
    Without a 2019 naming convention, how can we find information on trhe latest GP release? We can search for “GP 2015”, “GP 2016”, “GP 2018”, etc. but try to search for “Dynamics GP”? Even searching (Bing or Google) for “Dynamics GP 1910” doesn’t really work.

    Just saying, it won’t help sell or support the latest release.


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