#GPPT GP Power Tools Build 28.3 hotfix released

David Meego - Click for blog homepageLast night, a GP Power Tools user reported that they were getting an error message after installing the build 28.2 hotfix release of GP Power Tools.

No matter how much testing you do, there is always some combination of factors that cause an unexpected result. Anyway, within 24 hours we have a new hotfix build available.

The error dialog below opens when a non administrator user logs into Microsoft Dynamics GP before logging into a company. Clicking OK continues to the Company Login window.

Cannot find the object “”syVendorAnalysisDeleteTrigger”” because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.

The cause was an attempt to temporarily disable the SQL table trigger syVendorAnalysisDeleteTrigger on the ACTIVITY table. A standard user does not have the permission to perform this action and so an error is generated.

For the error to occur, the following needs to happen:

  1. The Cleanup user activity records for disconnected users before login option on the Usability tab of the Administrator Settings window must be enabled. This is a new feature added to build 28.2 (Hotfix 1).
  2. There must be stranded or disconnected user with a record in the ACTIVITY table but no associated SQL Session.
  3. A non administrator user must log in.

To avoid the issue, please disable the “Cleanup user activity records” Administrator Settings option until you have updated to this Build 28.3 hotfix release.

Build 28.3 (Hotfix 2) of GP Power Tools is available for the following Microsoft Dynamics GP versions:

  • Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 and GP 2013 R2 (v12.0)
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 and GP 2015 R2 (v14.0)
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 and GP 2016 R2 (v16.0)
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 and GP 2018 R2 (v18.0)
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP Modern Lifecycle (v18.2)
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP Modern Lifecycle (v18.3)

The build 28.3 hotfix includes the following changes:

  • Updated option to Administrator Settings window to clean up activity records for disconnected users before login to avoid error message disabling syVendorAnalysisDeleteTrigger.
  • Updated clean up activity records code to only work for current user unless logged on as a user with sysadmin rights as standard user cannot see other users SQL processes.
  • Updated clean up activity records code to only remove DEX_SESSION records when SQL processes are no longer active or there are duplicate records.
  • Fixed clean up activity records code not being activated when Company Login window is not displayed because there is only one company in the system.
  • Fixed Company Login Filter not being activated when Company Login window is not displayed because there is only one company in the system.
  • Fixed Challenge ‘sa’ with Administrator Password not being activated when Company Login window is not displayed because there is only one company in the system.

Please download and update your systems. You can just install over the top of the existing installation, but must update all workstations and servers which have Dynamics GP installed at the same time.



This article was originally posted on http://www.winthropdc.com/blog.

4 thoughts on “#GPPT GP Power Tools Build 28.3 hotfix released

  1. So is the problem in 28.2 or in 28.3?
    1- Title of article – #GPPT GP Power Tools Build 28 hotfix 2 released
    2 – …user reported that they were getting an error message after installing the build 28.3 hotfix release
    of GP Power Tools.
    Can you clarify the problem being in 28.2 or 28.3 (with a 28.4 coming?)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi David

    Beta = 28.0
    RTM = 28.1
    Hotfix 1 = 28.2 – This build has the issue.
    Hotfix 2 = 28.3 – This build fixes the issue.

    The article does explain that the issue was introduced with 28.2 and is fixed in 28.3 (just released).

    Just noticed typo in the article which could cause confusion…. updated to make it clearer.



    Liked by 2 people

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